416 Ilam Road, Fendalton, Christchurch 8052

Clinic Hours: Monday - Friday 7am - 8pm

416 Ilam Road, Fendalton, Christchurch 8052

Clinic Hours: Monday-Friday 7am-8pm

How Can Osteopathy Help With Running Injuries?

Published by Better Health Osteopathy on 23 February 2020, Sports Injuries

Whether you’re a marathon runner, using running for sports training, or simply jogging for fitness, there’s always room for improvement in performance, injury prevention, and rehabilitation. In this article, we’ll explore how osteopathy can enhance your running technique, the benefits it offers to runners, and what an osteopath can do to treat your injuries and support and optimise your running journey.


How osteopathy can with running injuries

How Osteopathy Can Help with Running Injuries?

An Osteopath takes a holistic approach, considering the whole body to help you achieve your running and rehabilitation goals. They have in-depth knowledge of anatomy, including bones, tissues, joints, and muscles, and their interplay for optimum running functionality.

Recurring injuries or niggling pains in runners can be due to dysfunction in the back, hip, knee, and ankle muscles and joints. Imbalances can lead to pain and injury as the body compensates during running.

Every runner knows how frustrating it can be to have to take a time-out from training due to injury and pain. An Osteopath will help take a look at the bigger picture, seeking the real cause of the injury rather than just treating the symptoms.

They treat not only the painful area but also other parts of the body that can be contributing to the injury. Taking this approach helps runners avoid frustrating time-outs from training and fosters a deeper understanding of their bodies.

Common Osteopathic Techniques For Runners

Osteopaths employ a wide range of techniques to treat running injuries effectively. During your consultation, an Osteopath may utilise the following approaches:

  • Biomechanical and Functional Movement Analysis. Effectively, this means carrying out an assessment of your gait—both walking and running. This assessment of the way you move will include analysing the back, hips, knees, and feet and how they are affected while you run.
  • Soft-Tissue Massage. This process focuses on increasing blood flow and releasing and relaxing muscles through deep-pressure massaging and trigger point therapy.
  • Rehabilitation Exercises. Your Osteopath will recommend specific stretches and/or exercises designed for both injury recovery and day-to-day training methods.
  • Joint Mobilisation. Gentle manipulation and articulation are used to increase joint mobility and range.

If you have any questions regarding these approaches, don’t hesitate to ask one of our osteopaths.

7 Benefits Of Using An Osteopath

How can osteopathic treatment help you with your running? Here are our top 7 benefits of using an Osteopath.

  1. Gaining an edge over your competitors
  2. Prevention of future injuries
  3. Improvements in muscle strength and mobility
  4. Faster rehabilitation
  5. Treatment of underlying problems, not just injury
  6. A holistic approach to healing – helping your body to heal itself
  7. Natural healing therapy – not medication-based.

6 Common Running Injuries

Running injuries are indeed highly prevalent among runners, both recreational and competitive. The repetitive nature of running, combined with factors such as overtraining, inadequate recovery, improper form, and worn-out or improper footwear, contribute to the high incidence of injuries in runners.

The impact forces generated during running can place significant stress on the musculoskeletal system, leading to various injuries and conditions.

  1. Runners Knee.  Pain is centralised near the kneecap and is commonly associated with long-distance running.
  2. Plantar Fasciitis. Inflammation of the plantar fascia ligament located between the toes and heel is commonly associated with prolonged training on hard surfaces.
  3. Patella Tendinopathy. Sometimes referred to as “jumper’s knee”, this injury involves damage to the patella tendon, which is located just below the kneecap. It is commonly associated with prolonged running.
  4. Shin Splints. This injury stems from excessive strain on the tibia. Runners with this condition generally feel pain anywhere along their inner shin area.
  5. Achilles Tendoniditis. Inflammation of the Achilles tendon, typically caused by overuse or sudden increases in training intensity.
  6. Hamstring Injuries. Strains or tears in the hamstring muscles, often due to overstraining or improper warm-ups.

However, runners may encounter many other potential injuries, such as IT band syndrome,  stress fractures, and muscle strains, which typically respond very well to osteopathic treatment.

Can osteopathy help with running injuries?

How To Prevent Running Injuries?

To mitigate the risk of running injuries, runners should incorporate proper training techniques, gradually increase training intensity and volume, and allow adequate rest and recovery periods. Runners should also wear appropriate footwear.  Any underlying muscle imbalances or weaknesses should also be addressed through osteopathic treatment followed by strength and flexibility exercises.

In addition to preventive measures, seeking early diagnosis and appropriate treatment from your osteopath can significantly help manage running injuries and facilitate a successful return to running activities.

It is essential, therefore, for runners to prioritise their overall health and well-being by listening to their bodies, respecting their limits, and seeking professional guidance when needed to ensure a safe and enjoyable running experience.

If you are struggling with pain when running or a running injury – please do not hesitate to contact our team of osteopaths at Better Health Osteopathy in Christchurch today. Call 027 7555700 or book online.

Better Health Osteopathy

Lorraine Herity is the Clinic Director of Better Health Osteopathy in Christchurch, New Zealand. She previously worked in Osteopathic clinics in London and Ireland, before moving to New Zealand. Lorraine trained at the British School of Osteopathy in London, where she gained her Master of Osteopathy (M.Ost). Lorraine is a dedicated and passionate Osteopath. Her main aim is to help her patients regain their health and to return her patients back to their everyday activities, in as quick a time as possible. Lorraine is also a clinic tutor on the Osteopathic Course in Ara and relishes the opportunity to teach the next generation of osteopaths.